This scam company is different from the other ponzi scams on this website. They are not offering impossible investment returns and are not making false claims about investing activity. Instead they are selling space in an online world. You will pay for your avatar and virtual land and for other benefits. Rewards will be gained by recruiting new members and this is where it becomes a ponzi structure. The only way you can make anything is by recruiting others who will have to pay to join. The company is completely unregulated and is being promoted by people who were significant recruiters for the failed ponzi scam of CashFX. Given the history of the scammers running this you can sure that any promised benefits will not materialise and you will be left with only broken promises and excuses.
Listing 15 August 2023
This scam has a website that shows the business involved in a wide variety of financial services. They are not authorized to offer financial services in any country and have attracted some fraud warnings. The investment plans that they offer are not shown on the website but they can be seen if you have a referral from a promoter. Like any ponzi scam the returns offered are impossible. The company works on referral commissions and like all ponzi scams all payments are in crypto currencies.
last check/update 5/4/2023
Macro Gold
The website shows company certificates in the UK, USA and Hongkong. They are all fake. They claim to make profits from gold mining. Just like every other ponzi scam they offer impossibly high investment returns, referral commission and all payments are in crypto.
This scam is claiming to trade forex using AI technology. There is absolutely no company information on the website except for one name of the founder. There is no address or phone number or company number.
This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossible returns, all payments are in crypto and referral commission is paid.
They claim to be a 21 billion dollar company that invests in diversified assets. They give a UK address but there is no other official company information. The website seems to offer all sorts of different financial services but in fact the only offering is a list of investment plans with impossible returns. All payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is paid.
Make My Network
This scam is just starting and details are only given out by booking a call. But we can tell that they are offering impossible returns of a minimum of 1% a day and all payments are to be in cryptocurrencies. So its definately a ponzi scam on 2 counts. Also the promoters are also promoting other scams. They give an address in the UK but there is no other company information.
Listing 26 June 2023 – to be updated once they become more active.
The website has clumsy English and is very vague about everything. A generic name is used for the founder with no other information and there is no company information or address. Just like every other ponzi scam they offer impossibly high investment returns, referral commission and all payments are in crypto.
The website shows the company certificate for a UK based company. The company number and registration address is stolen from an unrelated company called Global.T.Financial Ltd which is a dissolved company. The addresses shown on the website are different to the company certificate details. This is clearly a fake certificate.
They appear to offer many different financial services, but it is all fake, the only thing they really have to offer is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. At up to 40% a week the returns offered are completely ludicrous even compared to the impossible returns offered by the other fake companies listed here.
Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 28th October 2024, thank you to the scammer Stephanie Thomas for the information
Mavie Ultron
This one is hard to follow but it is known to be promoted by several known scammers and associated with the givvo scam. It is promoting a cryptocurrency but in fact is working as a ponzi scheme.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
The website shows company registration certificates in 6 countries. They are all fake. They claim ‘We trade into Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Currency pairs , Indices, Bonds, Treasuries, ICO and IEOs funding’. There is the usual ponzi scheme offering of impossibly high investment returns, referral commission and all payments are in crypto.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
This is a very typical ponzi scam. They claim to be investing in pretty much everything that anybody could invest in. There is no information about the people involved except for some fake names and photos. In the legal details they simply claim to be operating legally with offices all around the world but with no company registration details or locations (except to name a few different countries). The returns offered are the usual impossibly high returns. Like all ponzi scams all payments are in crypto currencies and referral commission is paid.
Listing 12 May 2023, thank you to the scammer Evelyn Lamberto for the information.
Metafi Yielders
Based in Australia this is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments.
checked 5/4/2023 and appears to be offline, will remove listing if it remains offline
Mether Network
Claiming to be based in Estonia Mether Network’s website offers varied financial services but all are quite vague. The only definite thing that you can purchase ‘education packages’ which are in fact just a ponzi scam. Impossible returns and referral bonuses are offered and all payments are in crypto.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
Migros funding
Claiming to be based in Switzerland and trading in the forex market, not much other specific information is given. Just like all other ponzi schemes the returns offered are impossibly high, referral commissions are paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Last check/update 5/4/2023 appears to be offline, will remove listing if it stays offline
This scam is so mixed up they don’t know where they are from. They give an address in Finland but show an obviously fake company certificate from Hungary. The website is written in terrible English, they should have used google translate. There is no information about the people involved in this. They claim to be involved in so many things that it is obvious that they have no idea what they are supposed to be investing in. They do show some investment plans that offer impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams they pay referral commission and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 25 June 2023 thank you to the scammer Mentari Eka Bakti for the information
Mitotic Money
The company has a genuine UK and USA company registration. However the UK companies house has given notice that the company is about to be struck off. The director is listed as Thomas Baker but the USA one has Ed Tsuji listed. Mitotic Money does not have approval from FCA or FINRA or the equivalent in any other country.
This one is typical of many ponzi scams in that the website indicates that the company offers many financial services but in reality the only service is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams all payments are in crypto and referral commission is paid.
last check/update 5/4/2023
Model Farming
Model farming claims to earn money from agricultural investments. In fact it is just a typical ponzi scheme. Returns are impossibly high, referral commissions are paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
At last check 5/4/2023 my computer security prevented me from accessing the website
Money Flow
This scam company makes no claims whatsoever except for the totally riduculous amount of money that you can earn. There is no pretending to be a fake investment company, there is no office location, there is no ownership information. The only information is how to deposit and earn money. It is completely obvious that the only income is from new members joining, it could not be any more obvious that this is a ponzi setup. They are not even pretending to be earning from legitimate investments.
At the time of this listing they have started to make excuses about payment delays, they claim to have been hacked. This is a normal tactic, every fake company listed here will claim to be hacked and then stop payments as a result. This ponzi is collapsing already.
Listing 21 February 2024
This is a very typical ponzi scam that looks very much like most of the others on this page. There is no company information at all on the website with the exception of a fake address in Germany. There is no ownership or management information and no company registration. Their only comments about investing activity mention crypto trading in very vague terms.
All they have to offer are some investment plans that show impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
listing 30 April 2024 – thank you to the scammer Stephanie Juliana for the information
Movial Investment
This scam company shows an address in Finland and that is the only contact or personel information they give. They claim to make money from trading all sorts of things and offer all sorts of financial services. Like all ponzi scams the returns offerred are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies. There is a link shown to a certificate but there is just marketing stuff there, no certificate either real or fake.
listing 14 August 2023
My BTC Mining
This company claims to be registered in USA, Canada, England and Nigeria. Profits are supposedly made from cryptocurrency mining. The returns offered are impossible from mining and referral commission is paid. A classic ponzi scam.
last checked 5/4/2023 appears to be offline, will take posting down if it remains offline
This scam is based in the scammers refuge of Dubai. Unlike most of these ponzi scams this one is not pretending to be an investment company but is offering all sorts of services to car enthusiasts such as car shows, driving events, workshops etc. As this is in the very initial stages none of this has happened yet. However members are offered rewards for signing up new members, and so its operating as a straight ponzi scam with money from new members paying the recruiters. This is the only scam on this page that accepts real money instead of cryptocurrencies. However this is based in Dubai where scams are welcomed so do not be fooled into thinking that the use of real money makes it a legitimate company. This came to our attention because the people promoting it are well known scammers.
Last updated/checked 28 March 2023
My Steady Profits
The website claims that the company is based in Poland. Most of these scam websites are high quality but this one is very cheap. Impossibly high returns are offered, referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrency.
Last check/update 5/4/2023
This scam appears to be based in Korea. There is Korean language on the homes page and a Korean address, although all the information given is in badly translated English. The photo supplied shows very non-Korean people. They give no information about any people behind this. The returns offered are a typical ponzi style selection of investment plans with impossible returns. Referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
last update/check 5/4/2023
This scam company is very typical of most ponzi scams. They claim to offer many financial services and invest in many types of investments. In reality their only offering is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. There is no company information except for a fake address in the USA. like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurencies.
listing 26th September 2023
The NextGen website gives almost no information about anything. There is no address, phone number, country of operation, no people. All it says is that it offers forex education. In fact all the information is spread via members trying to sign up others for referral bonuses. As in all ponzi scams the returns they offer are impossible and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
This scam is using a common tactic of false companies by using the name and other details of a real company. They even show the real company certificate and use the address of the Nexus heating company that provides home heating.
Like a very typical ponzi scam they are claiming to be a finance company and use photos of people and offices that are completely false and most likely found on shutterstock. Like most ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in crypto currencies. They are open about offering rewards for people to write favourable reviews.
posting 8/6/2023 thanks to the scammer Rodney Pieterson for showing us this scam.
Newcrest Investments Ltd
The website shows a company certificate and address in the UK. Newcrest Investments Ltd is a typical ponzi scam with impossibly high returns, crypto only payments and referral commission.
Last checked/updated 12 May 2023
Most of the scams listed here claim to have been operating for many years, but this one is honest about the fact that they are just starting in September 2023. They claim to be legally registered in the UK, New Zealand and the USA. A search of the company records show that they have put the effort in to legally register their business and the company certificates shown are genuine. This does not mean that the company is not a scam because anyone can legally register a company. They claim to invest in forex, cyptocurrencies and commodities. The returns they are offering to investors are impossible, and like all ponzi scams referral commision is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 18th September 2023 thank you to the scammer Ezekiel Bautista for the information
NNL World
This is a New Zealand based ponzi scam. This scam is quite different from most of the ponzi scams presently operating. They are using NZ dollars rather than cryptocurrencies and are not pretending to be an investment company. They have a social media website and pay rewards for participating in the website. It costs a fee to join and significant rewards are offered for joining up other people. It appears that so far no-one has received their rewards and that more payment is being asked of members in order to unlock more rewards. If people start to receive payments then its a straight ponzi scam, but if they don’t then its just a plain old scam where all the money is stolen.
Last checked 5/4/2023 and it appears to be offline, will remove listing if it remains offline
Nui International
The website is very vague about what the company actually does. There is a United States address but following a fraud warning the operation has moved to Brazil. One thing that is definite is that this is a ponzi scam.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
This one has an address in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Profit is supposedly made from trading forex and cryptocurrencies. There is a complicated compensation structure, but like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible and referral commission is paid. All payments are in cryptocurrencies.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
NZ Global Trading
Registered in New Zealand they claim to invest in cryptocurrencies and mining. Impossibly high returns are offered, referral commission is paid and all payments are in crptocurrency.
last checked 5/4/2023 and it appears to be offline, will remove listing if it remains offline
This one does not fit the same profile as almost all the ponzi scams on this website. However we have investigated because it is being promoted by well known serial scammers in the same groups that promote ponzi scams.
OctaFX operates like a broker, but they are unregulated. There are several similar brokers where low spreads and high leverage is offered. This works essentially as a gambling site where you bet on price movements in forex or cryptocurrencies or shares or commodities. You do not actually buy anything and neither does the company. Referral bonuses are offered which is a definate sign of a ponzi scam. Withdrawals are difficult and when people make successful trades they will find their trading is manipulated to ensure that they start to make losses.
last checked/updated 5/4/2023
This is a very typical ponzi scam that presents itself as a genuine investment company. Their investment activities are very vague but they do claim to do cloud services but with no information about that.
There is no real company information or ownership information apart from a couple of company certificate that are fakes.
Like all ponzi scams they offer investment returns at impossible rates. All payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is paid.
Lising 15th November 2024 thank you to the scammer Helen Amber for the information
This company has a registration in St. Vincent And The Grenadines, but it does not have any financial services licence. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, all payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is paid.
Delays in payments are beginning to happen and the company is issueing the usual excuses that almost all ponzi scams use, eg there are issues with KYC, government compliance, system upgrades etc and all the while patience is constantly preached. This will go on until no-one believes anymore which can takes years.
updated 22/6/2023
Update – As of 11th August 2023 Onpassive is being prosecuted by the USA’s SEC, details here https://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/lr-25809
This company claims to offer AI services but so far has no AI products to offer. Members can join for a fee and obtain rewards for recruiting others. Therefore its a straight pyramid structure with no real products on offer. The founder is Ash Mufareh who has run several online scams in the past, including Ashmax, GDI Fusion, Telexfree and PayDiamond. Telexfree was shut down in 2014 and investigations found member losses of up to $3billion. PayDiamond collapsed in 2018 after which Ash started OnPassive.
Last checked/updated 18 August 2023 – this scam is still going strong with members constantly being promised that products are about to be released, this is despite the USA legal action.
Opec Stocks
We haven’t given the website for this one because it is a malicious website with multiple security warnings. You can tell from the logo if you are looking at the same scam company.
This one claims to be based in Romania but there is little company information shown on the website. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 3rd November 2023
It is not possible to look at the company website without a promo code. To receive the promo code personal information has to be given. Testimony from people who have joined is that investment plans that offer impossible returns are offered. A ponzi scam will normally pay people by using funds from new members, but in this case there is no evidence of anyone receiving any payments. Government fraud warnings have been issued. This scam will just simply steal your money.
last checked 22/6/2023
Orbital Stock
This scam company is very typical of ponzi scams in that they try to present themselves as an investment company that offers many different financial services. In fact all they have to offer is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. They claim to be based in Estonia and show a company certificate from Estonia. This company certificate is the most obvious fake certificate we have seen, you don’t need to look any further to know that this is not a real company. Also the legal terms allow the company to cancel your account if you are critical of the company. There is no legal provision for a company to steal its clients money, this is clearly nonsense. Also the legal terms make it clear that they are unregistered as they claim that all required registrations simply don’t apply to them, this is also complete nonsense. Evidence from members suggest that payments have stopped and support has shut down. Like all ponzi scams all payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is offered (but no longer paid!)
Listing 14th February 2024
Orbit Managers
This scam company gives an address in Greece but there is no other company information given on their website. They claim to invest in cryptocurrency, forex and real estate but without any evidence. This is a very typical and obvious ponzi scam that offers impossible returns, referral commission and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 22 August 2023
This scam shows a fake UK company certificate. There is no other company information and no information at all about the people behind this. The website is written in rather clumsy English which indicates that it is not based in the UK. Like all Ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, all payments are in crypto currencies and referral commission is paid.
Listing 9 June 2023 Thank you to the scammer Francis Eager Chigozie for the information
Oxford Invest
https://paramount-capitals.com This scam company offers no information on the website about who is behind this or where it is based. There is a fake UK company registration certificate shown and an address in the Netherlands. Like many ponzi scams they try to present the image of a financial services company that offers many different services, but in reality there is only one option and that is choose an investment package that offers impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is offerred and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
listing 19/6/2023 thank you to the scammer Lauri Wolters for showing us this scam.
Patron Capital
This is not to be confused with a real investment company called Patron Capital partners. The scam company website is mostly copied from the real company website, but its a forgery. This scam company has some youtube videos that claim ownership of building companies but the claims are all false. The management team shown on the website and presented in the videos are completely different and also the company location is different in the videos and as shown on the website. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in crytpcurrences.
listing 9 August 2023 thank you to the scammer Joe Quincy for the information
Premier Concept
This fake investment company gives an address in Dublin and shows a falsified Irish company certificate. There is no other company or ownership information. In terms of the team they show some photos but without names.
There is almost no real information on their website with the exception of how to join their various invest plans that offer impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 11th April 2024 thank you to the scammer Grace Williams for the information
Prime Capital Asset investment
This scam company is trading off the name of the real Prime Capital investment company, don’t get them confused, this one is totally fake. The company is not registered and the addresses shown for their offices are all fake. They present themselves as offering many different investment services but none of this is real. Its just another ponzi scam that offers impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 17th September thank you to the scammer Zach Morris for the info
Primestar Trades
This scam company offers absolutely no company or ownership details. There is a Uk company certificate shown but it is a fake. There is no address, phone number, company of operation or any personnel information. They claim to invest in Real Estate EFTs and to offer trading in Forex, Shares, Indices and Futures. But you can’t actually trade anything with them, the only real offering is a selection of deposits that offer impossible levels of return. Like all ponzi scams they offer referral commission and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
This website seems to randomly change to https://reliable-invest.com. Reliable invest is exactly the same, it even has the same logo.
Listing 4th January thank you to the scammer Mia Benjamin for the information
Pendora Pay
The company claim to trade in Forex, cryptocurrencies and efts. They have a genuine UK company registration but do not have the required authorisation to offer financial services. The webite is typical of many ponzi scams in that it seems to offer services to traders, but in fact the only way to sign up is to choose an investment package that offers impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams all payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is paid. There is no information about the people behind it except for some photos that look like shutterstock images.
Peroxide Trade
They claim to be registered in the Seychelles and also show an Australian registration certificate. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments.
Phelidax Inc
This scam company claims to be based in Canada. Their claim to be certified is based on a Blockchain Council Membership certificate. This is meaningless because it is free for anyone to join to Block Chain Council for the purpose of training. They do provide certificates to people who have passed courses, but the certificate shown on the website doesn’t include any actual certifications.
The website is written in clumsy English with some phrases that appear on many of the company websites found here at ponziscamwatch.com. It seems that the same people are creating many of these fake companies.
A quick search of the Canada Company registration verifies that this is not a registered company.
They claim to be investing in almost anything that anyone can invest in. Like all ponzi scams the returns that they offer are completely impossible. Aslo just like all ponzi scams they offer referral commission and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 9th April 2024 thank you to the scammer James Lees for the information. James Lees is also listed as the promoter of other scams shown on this website.
Phinsphere Inc
This is a very typical ponzi scam. They claim to offer many different financial services, but they only have one thing to offer and that is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. The English used on the website is clumsy and this is obviously not created by an English speaking person. The only contact information is an address in Canada, alongside a map of England (very confused geographically). There is no company or ownership information at all. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 26th March 2024 thank you to the scammer Angelica Brian for the information
Polynks Investment
This is a typical ponzi scam designed to look like a real investment company. The website shows a very obviously fake UK company certificate even though the address shown is in Switzerland. There is no other company or ownership information available. They claim to offer many different services to large investors, but in reality there is only 1 offering and that is an investment package that offers impossible returns to small scale investors. Like all ponzi scams the payments are all in cryptocurrencies and referral commission is paid.
Listing 7th April 2024 thank you to the scammer Sophia Rose for the information
This website winds the award for lack of information. There is no company information, either real or fake, no ownership or leadership information, no address, no country of origin and no phone number. There is no information about what they trading or how. All they have to offer is a selection of investments plans that offer impossible returns. The English on the website is bad, they should have used google translate. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 14th October 2023, thank you to the scammer Hossam Salama for the information
Prime XBT
This one gives a vague location in Switzerland but without an address. They claim to offer all sorts of financial services but the only actual service is the usual offering of ponzi style investments plans. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments.
Primerise Investment
This scam company is typical of many of the fake investment companies on this page in that they claim to offer comprehensive financial services. The only real offering is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. They have no information about their investment activity except very vague statements about successful investing.
There is a link on the website to a UK government company registration. The trouble is that this is a fake government website. If you look at the real UK government website you will see that the company certificate is fake.
They show photos and names of the key staff. These are models and fake names.
Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 1st March 2024 thank you to the scammer Dennis Naumann for the information
Pro Axel Mining
This company has absolutely no information about the business, no address, no people, no country of operation, no company certificate, no phone number. They claim to trade bitcoin. The returns offered are impossible, and like all ponzi scams referral commissions are paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Phoenix Finances
They claim to make money by trading forex, crypto, real estate, nft’s and gold. There is an address is England but no other company information. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments.
Profit Kind Limited
This scam company has created a rather pathetic attempt at a fake investment company. The website is low quality and the English is bad. They give an address in England but they show the company certificate for an unrelated company that is based in Hong Kong. They claim (like almost all ponzi scams) to be trading forex and cryptocurrencies. Like all ponzis scams the returns are impossible, all payments are in cryptocurrencies and referral commision is paid.
Listing 23 November 2023 thank you to the scammer Anna Olsen for the info
This is a ponzi scam operated by Alex Reinhardt out of Dubai. The website gives no ownership information and an address in the USA, but the USA company is a shell company that Alex has used for previous scams. Profit is supposedly made by mining cryptocurrencies on your cellphone. The rewards offered are impossible to get from mining on your phone.
Premier Trade Pro
This one shows a UK compnay certificate but it is a fake. There is very little information about how profits are made. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, referral commission and all payments are in cryptocurrency.
QZ Asset Management
QZ Asset Management is a ponzi scam run from Hong Kong. The website is vague about what they actually do. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Quarex Finance
This is a very typical ponzi scam. The website presents a comprehensive financial services company. However it is all fake. There is no company or ownership information at all. The only contact details are an email address and a fake address in Denmark.
The only real service offered is a selection of investment plans that offer impossible returns. Like all ponzi scams referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 13th March 2024 thank you to the scammer Claire Sullivan for the information
The company gives an address in New Zealand and the company was registered in New Zealand using falsified information. The NZ police and Financial Markets Authority have issued warnings that the company is operating illegally and appears to be a ponzi scam. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments
Regal Fund Ltd
The website claims that the company is based in Australia. Other than that the information is so vague that there is almost nothing there. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments
Reliable Revival Wealth Mining
This scam appears to be based in England but there are different addresses given in different places on the website. A UK company registration number is given but it is a fake. There is no information about the company founders or directors. They claim to be earning from investing in forex and cryptocurrencies. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, payments are crpto only and referral commission is paid.
Last check/update 16 September 2023
Reliance Analytical
This is a very tpyical ponzi scam. They give an address in the USA but there is no other company information available. The website is particularly good at using words that sound impressive but mean nothing. They claim to invest in pretty much anything at all. Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commision is paid and all payments are in crptocurrencies.
listing 16th September 2023, thank you to the scammer Mary-Helen Stewart for the information
This scam company gives an address in the Netherlands. The website is written in poor English and the details are generally very vague. They claim to earn money from cloud mining. There is no ownership or any real company information except for a false address. Their registration certificate is worth mentioning. It is supposedly issued by the NSF which is responsible for healthcare! Also the fake NSF certificate is from the USA but the address given is in the Netherlands, their lies are all mixed up! Like all ponzi scams the returns offered are impossible, referral commission is paid and all payments are in cryptocurrencies.
Listing 15th January 2024 thank you to the scammer Anidel Bijou for the information
Royal Eagle Investment
There is a London address shown on the website but almost no other information apart from a few fake names and photos. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments
Rolvi Trading
The website gives addresses in USA and UK with UK phone numbers given. This is a classic ponzi scam that offers impossibly high returns, pays referral commission and uses only crypto payments.